Fitness and Diet Resolutions

Fitness and Diet Resolutions


Do you find every new year that you set a goal, or a resolution, to “lose weight” or “start working out”? You’re definitely not alone. While setting goals for yourself can be good for not only your physical health, but your mental health too, it’s important to keep them realistic and specific. We’re going to look at a few fitness related goals, and how to make them more actionable, and accomplishable. Spoiler alert… None of them are weight based!

  1. Start Working Out/Workout Consistently – How consistently? How frequently? What schedule adjustments need to be made to accommodate? Start small. Commit to only 1-2 days per week to get started, then pick the days that work best in your schedule. If you need help with where to start, talk to one of our trainers about building a program tailored to you!
  2. Drink More Water – It’s no secret that the majority of people don’t hydrate enough. Again, start small. If you currently drink less than a litre, make 1 litre your goal. Set a daily goal, and keep track through the day until you hit it. Apps like Water Tracker allow you to set custom goals and intake amounts as you track, as well as set reminders! Sugar free liquid enhancers like Mio can be extremely helpful too!
  3. Run a Marathon/Compete in an event – When you commit to an event like a marathon, what you’re really committing to is the training – and often that’s where people fall short. While having that goal/deadline is helpful, it’s important to plan ahead. Pick your event and work backwards from there. How much training will it take? How long do I realistically need to prepare? Be sure it is something you can dedicate a portion of your lifestyle too, don’t set yourself up for failure.
  4. Eat Clean/Eat Healthy – This is quite a loaded one, so we’ll keep it brief for now. It’s difficult to know what to change, if you don’t know what things currently look like. A simple start is to just journal your food for a week, as it is right now. This will give you more insight into where you can implement any changes. After that, take it one meal at a time. This one can take a while, and you will slip up as you go. Stay the course, and remember consistency over the long term is key.

If you need more guidance with setting goals, improving your nutrition and lifestyle, book your free consultation today!