What Comes After the Diet?

What Comes After the Diet?

Many studies have determined that 80-90% of people who lose weight will regain it within a few years. Alternatively, many gym goers trying to put on mass can come out of a bulk looking chunky versus shredded. So how do you find balance with a healthy, maintainable diet without losing your sanity counting calories for life?

This is why the transition from dieting to maintenance is key for sustainable results. Here are a few steps you can follow when you’re ready to end your calorie deficit or surplus:

  • When you reach your goal weight or aesthetic, stay there for a week or two to lock in your new weight
  • Next, bring your calories up (or down if you were in a surplus) so that they’re closer to your projected new maintenance. You might see your weight fluctuate by 2lbs but this is purely from water, carbs, and food volume in your gut.
  • Once your weight has settled, start to slowly add in 50-100 calories to your daily goal week to week. If your scale starts moving in the wrong direction (more than 2lbs), adjust calories accordingly.  This is your new maintenance!
  • Track your new maintenance calories for a while to get used to your updated portion sizes. Consider weighing yourself less often.
  • Slowly stop tracking a few days a week and begin to eat more intuitively. Pay close attention to your hunger and thirst cues, and stick close to the eating habits you had when you were tracking food.