Thanksgiving Nutrition

Among many other things, Thanksgiving weekend is often associated with behaviours like “over-eating”, being “lazy”, and a variety of other actions that are deemed “unhealthy”. We’d like to challenge that ethos, and offer up a slightly different sentiment. At the very least, it’s a time to be thankful for the food available to you, whatever that looks like. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to give yourself the permission to enjoy a meal with your loved ones, without restrictions, or consuming to the point of discomfort. If you remove the “rules” going in, you’ll likely be less inclined to consume more than normal just because you can. With that being said, it’s one day out of 365, and one meal out of many in a year. Here are three ways you can get the most enjoyment out of your Thanksgiving dinner:


1. Enjoy the dessert, drink the drinks.

First things first, give yourself a break. If you’re already telling yourself that you’re going to skip dessert or say no to a glass of wine, there’s a good chance you’re setting yourself up for failure. That’s not to say you have to eat dessert or drink if you don’t want to. Rather than putting boundaries on a meal that you’d rather enjoy, try telling yourself you will make the decision when the opportunity is presented to you. This can help take away the element of surprise and reduce impulsive decisions. Moreover, you’re not making any grand promises to yourself that you might not keep, and feel guilty about later.


2. Eat the vegetables & stay hydrated

If you can guarantee one thing about Thanksgiving, it’s vegetables. Nobody really likes them, but we know there are a lot of benefits to eating them. The great thing about vegetables is that they’re hard to “overeat”, not to mention they are loaded with nutrients. Two perfectly valid excuses to fill your plate with vegetables first, and fill in the gaps with everything else. Combine this with keeping a glass of water handy, and your meal will be much more satiating and easier to digest.


3. Go for a morning walk

Lastly, there’s the post dinner crash. You’ve enjoyed your meal, you’ve socialised and entertained, now you’re exhausted and it’s time to wind down. If you have a tendency to feel like you need to work off a big meal, going for a stroll before the festivities begin can go a long way. Get ahead of the rushing errands and dinner preparations, and take a short walk in the morning. This starts your day off with a win, and gives you even more time later to slow down and savour the time with your loved ones.


Remember, there are no rules here. It’s one day, one meal, and there is no moral value attached to how you choose to enjoy it.